Home Insurance
Whiteboard Video Pack

Lead Generation Videos

For Insurance Agents

Leverage The Power Of Video To Help Insurance Agents
Stand Out and Get More Clients.

There are more than 1.1 million
Insurance Agents and Brokers in the USA.
This is a HUGE MARKET that spends a lot of money on marketing, and they need your services!

Insurance Agents know that the best way
to grow their business and expand their client base is through VIDEO, but they’ve got no idea how to do it
or they don’t have time to do it.
You’ll get paid handsomely to provide this simple service to Insurance Agents that desperately need your help.

People Are Making 5-6 Figures By Simply Providing
Video Marketing Services To Insurance Agents!



Home Insurance Video

10 Whiteboard Animation Videos

for Insurance Agents

To make it EASY, we will deliver these videos in two versions:

1. MP4 format (without the lower-third) that you can use in any video editor.
2. PPTX format with a pre-made lower-third that you can easily modify in PowerPoint.

All you need to do is to replace the logo and the text on the lower third with your client’s info and you’re DONE!

You can edit the info area without any expensive software
and without being an expert in video editing.
All you need is PowerPoint (2013 and above).

1. Open the template

2. Replace logo and text

3. Save as MPEG-4 video file

(We will provide a tutorial that will show exactly how to modify the info area.)
(You must have PowerPoint 2013 or later on your computer.)

Whiteboard Animations are extremely popular because they work… People love them, and you’ll be making sales right out of the gates.

These videos have been carefully crafted using the ‘hypnotic’ copywriting formula that will ENGAGE the visitors and skyrocket the overall sales conversions.

You’ll get a professionally created Whiteboard Video Pack that Insurance Agents would love to have!

Take your video marketing to the next level!

You can use this Insurance Video MEGA PACK
over and over again to create as many videos
for Insurance Agents as you need.

For a LIMITED TIME you can get this

AMAZING and Easy-to-Edit
Home Insurance Video Pack
for a small investment!

Get your hands on this before your competition does!

Don’t lose your chance to own this product!

Because of the HUGE Discount, there will be NO REFUNDS for this product.
You can preview all the videos before buying, to make sure that it’s what you need and want.


[YES] Can use the templates to create unlimited videos for you or your clients.
[NO] The unbranded videos cannot be sold or given away.

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